Here you can find news and information about the EESC's work, including its social media accounts, the EESC Info newsletter, photo galleries and videos. 70 years of the Schuman Declaration: Genesis from the European Union. At a speech in Paris in 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign minister, set out his idea for a new form of political and economic cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe’s nations unthinkable and promote world peace. Presented by the French Foreign Minist er, Robert Schuman, on 9 May 1950, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. Marking 70 years since the Schuman Declaration Published on May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 • 2,518 Likes • 64 Comments Europe must be united to act on the international stage. The Conference on the Future of Europe is the chance to relaunch the process of European unification along the federal lines first envisaged by its author. 11. May 9 marks the 70 th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and began Europe’s path toward integration. It proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel … 18/09/2020. Read the latest EESC news and press releases Established in 1952, the ECSC laid the foundations for today’s European Union (EU). As representatives of the EU's civil service, we also have a duty to put the European project into effect and should be bolder in our actions. Learn more about our policy areas and policy highlights at Sat, May 02. The “Schuman Declaration” cogently stated that “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. Europe in the mid-20th century Schuman Declaration reading list; On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman delivered a historic speech that led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). In addition to Europe Day, the 9 th of May 2020 also marks 70 years of the Schuman Declaration. This is now commemorated on 9 May by celebrating Europe Day. The European Union has made great strides. The EESC holds nine plenary sessions per year. 2020. EU Democracy, Institutional and Parliamentary Law. Title: Schuman 2.0 – 70 years from the Schuman Declaration, what future for Europe Format: Interactive workshop and presentations Programme: Part 1 – Workshop for a new momentum: Schuman Declaration 2.0 13:30 Introduction to the event and workshop for a Schuman Declaration 2.0 13:45 Guided tour through the building Now more than ever, the constructive voice of our organisations needs to be heard in Europe! We are talking about Europe in 2020, 70 years after Schuman Declaration with Miguel Manuel Pastr Moreno - from youth-led initiative # 70Schuman, Etienne Deschamps – … The Schuman Declaration is therefore seen as the EU’s founding act. 70 years ago, on May 9, 1950, Robert Schuman, who was then the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivered the declaration which has since been considered as one of the founding texts of European construction. VIRTUAL DEBATE-Europe & the Coronacrisis, how to bring the EU up to its challenges 70 years from the Schuman declaration. About the Event. May 11, 2020. in Tribune. The EESC brings together representatives from all areas of organised civil society, who give their independent advice on EU policies and legislation. Europe Day 2020 - 70th anniversary of the Schuman declaration. Register here! On today’s Europe Day we are celebrating 70 years of the Schuman declaration. 70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights. It also organises many conferences, public hearings and high-level debates related to its work. Europe in the mid-20th century Find out more about this historical event. EUROPE DAY 2020 - 70 Years of Solidarity; EUROPE DAY 2020 - 70 Years of Solidarity. I would like each and every one of us to pay tribute to those statesmen who with their courage and vision turned the page on military confrontation and laid the foundations of the European Union. In memory of Robert Schuman and in honour of his pioneering work to build a united Europe, each of you will receive a brochure with the text of his proposal on the creation of an integrated Europe. Determined to prevent another such terrible war, European governments concluded that pooling coal and steel production would – in the words of the Declaration – make war between historic rivals France and Germany "not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible". This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, presented by French Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950, setting out a new form of political cooperation in Europe which has ultimately become the European Union of today. The EESC is active in a wide range of areas, from social affairs to economy, energy and sustainability. The Schuman Declaration “If peace is to have a chance there must first of all be a Europe” Read the … The current crisis shows even more clearly the significance of Robert Schuman's message of solidarity. Since it was first proposed, the European project has grown from an organization of six members, pooling economic interests to prevent another conflict on the continent, to a geopolitical power comprised of … “If peace is to have a chance there must first of all be a Europe” On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet gave birth to what was to become the European Union. In 70 years we have done things that were unimaginable, if we think that Declaration was made five years after the end of the Second World War. His goal was to bring lasting peace and solidarity between member states and never return to the horrors of WWII. ... celebrating the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Schuman declaration. Presented by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on 9 May 1950, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. 70 years from the Schuman Declaration Time to reshape Europe beyond the unthinkable! As Robert Schuman said 70 years ago: “World peace cannot be safeguarded without creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it”. The EESC issues between 160 and 190 opinions and information reports a year. . (Transcription here). His words still resonate today, and his approach will pave the way for future achievements of the European project. What is the state of health of the Union? “Making Europe is making peace. Registration is Closed. The current health crisis brings Europeans to make the … VIRTUAL DEBATE-Europe & the Coronacrisis, how to bring the EU up to its challenges 70 years from the Schuman declaration. Aiming to secure peace in Europe after the horrors of the Second World War, the Schuman Declaration proposed cooperation among European countries in two key economic areas central to rearmament and warfare: coal and steel. The EESC has six sections, specialising in concrete topics of relevance to the citizens of the European Union, ranging from social to economic affairs, energy, environment, external relations or the internal market. This 9th of May marks the 70th anniversary of Robert Schuman's founding declaration of European integration. The Schuman Declaration turns 70. The words of Robert Schuman hold especially true 70 years on when the world is seeking to overcome the devastation of COVID-19, the ongoing risk to the environment and growing economic and social divisions. 70 years ago, the Schuman Declaration marked the beginning of a development which led to one of the greatest and most successful projects in European history. One hour LIVE STREAM event with a unique production of 9 Artists performing for 9 Minutes the 9th of Beethoven on the 9th May. It also organises several annual initiatives and events with a focus on civil society and citizens’ participation such as the Civil Society Prize, the Civil Society Days, the Your Europe, Your Say youth plenary and the ECI Day. The Schuman Declaration was presented by French foreign minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950. Without doubt the “Schuman Declaration”, signed 70 years ago this week, was an immense historical event and Schuman is rightly seen as the “father” of the current EU structure. It’s been 70 years since Robert Schuman made his declaration uniting European countries. EU marks 70 years since inception amid divisive crisis. Zoom Online meeting. Read the Declaration of Schuman pronounced on 9th May 1950. Find out more about our upcoming events at The Schuman Declaration is therefore seen as the EU’s founding act. Find out more at "World peace cannot be safeguarded without making creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it" (Robert Schuman, 1950). Priorities during the European Presidencies, Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct of the Members of the EESC, Follow-up to EESC opinions (European Commission), Agriculture, Rural Development & Fisheries, The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO), Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT), Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society (TEN), Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC), Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (NAT), Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market (DSMO), Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO), Ad hoc Group on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law,,,,,,,, 70 years anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, a brochure with the text of his proposal on the creation of an integrated Europe, Central Register of Records of Personal Data Processing Activities, EESC in cooperation with other institutions, Economic, Social and Environmental Council (France). Seventy years ago, on 9 May 1950, French Minister for Foreign Affairs Robert Schuman invited German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to join France in founding the European Coal and Steel Community. This is especially so, as Schuman and Monnet knew 70 years ago, in times of peril. His speech did not fall on deaf ears: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany signed the Schuman Declaration on 3 June 1950. International UK/Europe. the ECSC laid the foundationfor todays 's European Union(EU) . Seventy years ago, a group of visionaries laid the foundations for the economic, social and moral reconstruction of the post-war period, giving birth to the greatest project for progress in the history of mankind. Ministry of Foreign Affairs To mark the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, the Florence-based Historical Archives of the European Union have mounted an exhibition entitled “Europe and Europeans 1950>2020”. Video - Luca Jahier about the Schuman Declaration You can find out more about the Schuman Declaration and its lasting impact below. Registration is Closed. Established in 1952, the ECSC laid the foundations for today’s European Union (EU). Time & Location. That date marked the beginning of the European integration process and the birth of Europe as a political entity. The former war-torn continent started to cooperate, to grow together and to overcome the shadows of the past. Without doubt the “Schuman Declaration”, signed 70 years ago this week, was an immense historical event and Schuman is rightly seen as the “father” of the current EU structure. Presented by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on 9 May 1950, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. Presented by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on 9 May 1950, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. Find out more about our Members and groups at President Jahier, Treu and Bernasconi, alongside a few other economic and social Councils, would like to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration with a declaration which reflects upon the importance of this text today and the special role of Economic and Social Councils and organised civil society in the post-COVID19 rEUnaissance. He was a member of the European Parliament 1999-2014. This special occasion is an opportunity for us to reflect on everything that has been achieved under the European project since that historic event, and to highlight the importance of kindling and preserving in civil society the European spirit that is so crucial in today's political climate. Where would we be without it? See other events. On May 9th, we remember how Europeans made history in 1950 and pay tribute to those who are making history today. As an institutional framework for this cooperation, the Schuman Declaration proposed the creation of the first supranational organisation in Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). You can find out more about the Schuman Declaration and its lasting impact below. Historical Archives of the EU mount exhibition marking 70 years of Schuman Declaration. In addition to Europe Day, the 9th of May 2020 also marks 70 years of the Schuman Declaration. The Schuman Declaration: celebrating 70 years of European integration 8 May 2020; Reading suggestion; gsclibrary; Institutional affairs EU Member States Europe. The Schuman Declaration is therefore seen as the EU’s founding act . Europe in the mid-20th century Europe after the war In 1950, European countries were slowly recovering from the human and economic devastation caused by World War II, under the shadow of the renewed global tensions sparked by the Cold War. Celebrating Europe Day, 25 years of Austria in EU, 70 years of Schuman Declaration, 75 years of UN, 250th birthday of Beethoven, EU Solidarity and Multilateralism. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Parliament’s exhibition is being held virtually until further notice. On 9 May 1950, in the aftermath of the deadliest war in history, Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, caused a political thunderbolt: Europe must be built by pooling the coal and steel production of yesterday's enemies, France and Germany. The Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, just like the establishment of the Council of Europe on 5 May the year before, laid the foundations for something many Europeans would not have dared to dream of when Europe was still recovering from the war that had torn the continent apart. Established in 1952, the ECSC laid the foundations for today's European Union (EU). Aiming to secure peace in Europe after the horrors of the Second World War, the Schuman Declaration proposed cooperation among European countries in two key economic areas central to rearmament and warfare: coal and steel. The 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration falls at a particularly difficult time for Europe. Presented by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on 9 May 1950, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. 2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, a short but powerful statement made by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on the 9th of May 1950. (Download avaible here). 70 years after the Schuman declaration, Europe faces a crisis which makes standing together more important than ever. The Schuman Declaration is therefore seen as the EUâs founding act. May 02, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+2. Andrew Duff is President of the Spinelli Group and a Visiting Fellow at the European Policy Centre. May 10 2020 02:11 AM. Share. Find out more about its role and structure at In 1950, the nations of Europe were still struggling to overcome the devastation wrought by World War II, which had ended 5 years earlier. Zoom Online meeting. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is the voice of organised civil society in Europe. During a press conference at the Quai d’Orsay, Schuman revealed his plan to underpin peaceful relations by pooling the French and German coal and steel industries under a common High Authority. In honour of the 70 th anniversary of Schuman's declaration, the European Parliament has organised an exhibition celebrating the birth of Europe. Our future depends on keeping Schuman's vision alive, so let us honour his legacy. Find the latest EESC opinions and publications at and respectively. 70 years ago, on 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman made a statement calling for solidarity between France and Germany. 5. Since the day of his declaration, on 9th May 1950, a spirit of unity and of solidarity has united our societies. The “Schuman Declaration” cogently stated that “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. The declaration of 9️ May 1950 by Robert Schuman marks the birth of our Europe as we know it today. To mark the 70th anniversary of the Convention the Court held a conference on 18 September 2020 entitled The European Convention on Human Rights at 70 - Milestones and major achievements.Leading figures from the judicial world took part in the celebrations, including by video link. Seventy years have passed since Robert Schuman, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, delivered a speech that transformed the course of European history. 70 years anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. The date, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the historical ‘Schuman declaration’. 70 years ago, on 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman made a statement calling for solidarity between France and Germany. 70 years ago, on 9 May 1950, the foundation of the European Union as we know it was set out in an extraordinary declaration based on two core principles: peace and solidarity. It was thought – correctly – that merging of economic interests would help raise standards … The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. The mid-20th century Europe Day 2020 - 70 years after the Schuman Declaration is therefore as! ( Transcription here ) political entity needs to be heard in Europe knew 70 years of the Schuman Declaration the. 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Europe! 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