.cc_header.Democratic { Adams County District 1 A dams County’s 1st commissioner district mostly includes Thornton and Northglenn. I will do whatever it takes to finish the Windy Gap Connector! .results_table_container { jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; padding-left: 10px; display: table; Collier County Commissioner Candidates max-height: 580px; This may cost approximately $400,000 for this final design and traffic analysis and for cultural analysis required by the Army Corps of Engineers. } The county currently has approximately $7 million in surplus, $3 Million above 20%. } The "Party Control" column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. SAN JUAN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY RESULTS. font-weight: 100; Jennifer Woolley, wants to bring balance back to the Board of County Commissioners. .inner_percentage { .results_row td { .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, .cc_header.Libertarian { background-color: grey; padding: 10px; } font-size: 20px; display: block; display: block; The winner in November will succeed Roger Partridge. In 2012, Barack Obama (D) won 37 out of 65 state House districts in Colorado with an average margin of victory of 27.3 points. There has not been a Republican County Commissioner since 2006 and it is time for diversity and transparency. background-color: #f9d334; It is true Front Range and Eastern Slope water users, in cooperation with the Federal Government/Department of Reclamation basically bought and built the systems that divert significant water out of Grand County. Incumbent Diana DeGette won election in the general election for U.S. House Colorado District 1. function defer() { The Windy Gap connector will go a long way to healing the Colorado River, and many of the donations place a deadline when the project has to be complete. } Our Community! But in the meantime, the County will keep our budgets tight (annual revenue slightly more than expenditures), and only grow smartly in ways that pay for themselves. You are on the Rupert Parchment for Weld County Council Page. padding-bottom: 3px; .votebox-results-metadata { } I was admitted to the Air Force Academy in 1990. } .race_header.libertarian { display: table; .votebox-results-metadata-p { It is a shame and I wish they would pay for 100% of the repairs to our rivers and streams. color: #fff; position: absolute; display: inline-block; text-align: center; border-bottom-right-radius: 12px; There has not been a Republican County Commissioner since 2006 and it is time for diversity and transparency. .outer_percentage { Heading into the upcoming Nov. 4 election, three candidates are vying for the Larimer County Commissioner seat representing District 1, the northern third of the county. margin-bottom: 24px; Week 2: Many people don’t understand the job of county commissioner. And we will pursue much better forest mitigation strategies such as logging and controlled burns…we will manage nature at scale. color: #0645ad; .race_footer { If so, which area? Dr. Bedell is a large animal veterinarian, self-employed livestock producer and local meat seller who lives in Fruita. We will grow tourism and our year round tourist independent economy. Candidate for County Commissioner District 3 — Stan VanderWerf (R) January 9, 2020 Grand County still has a relatively large number of empty lots available, which is one reason we are seeing increased construction. } } display: inline-block; Short term rentals (Airbnb, etc.) We will bring in extra mental health resources that are affordable or free. font-size: 16px; There will be additional funds needed in 2022, and 2023, and so on. Heading into the election, Ballotpedia rated this race as safely Democratic. Incumbent Republican Kathleen Conti is aiming to parry challenges from Democrat Carrie Warren-Gully. margin-bottom: 4px; His campaign website can be found here. In 2018 we finally (at my urging) asked voters to repeal Senate Bill 152, which was a telecoms sponsored 2005 law that prohibited local governments from Internet investments for their communities. There are serious safety and capacity issues that must be addressed ASAP. } 2). } display: inline-block; 4. I am honored and grateful to you who voted for me. background-color: #003388; }. Nicki and I moved 10 times through my many assignments. Either the candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey or Ballotpedia staff created a profile after identifying the candidate as noteworthy. There are many facility needs on the horizon. General election for U.S. House Colorado District 1 Incumbent Diana DeGette defeated Casper Stockham and Raymon Doane in the general election for U.S. House Colorado District 1 on November 6, 2018. border-radius: 50%; Incumbents are bolded and underlined. margin: 0; font-size: 12px; } You are on the Rupert Parchment for Weld County Council Page. width: 100%; We are not going to build a new road if the result will be two roads with backups on Sunday afternoons. .cc_col { The responses below were submitted by the District One candidates. } There has not been a Republican County Commissioner since 2006 and it is time for diversity and transparency. display: block; display: inline-block; Four of 64 Colorado counties—6 percent—are Pivot Counties. width: 100% width: 100px; In 2020, Weld Strong promoted seven Republican candidates for State Senate, State House, and Weld County Commissioner in the June, 2020 primary election. If new resources were available, what one area of county services would you feel most need additional resources? The Mountain-Ear has sent a questionnaire to … There were no incumbents in this race. .results_row.winner { } We have weeks, months, and years of rebuilding and regrouping. background-color: red; Welcome! The chart below contains data from financial reports submitted to the Federal Election Commission. background-color: grey; padding-bottom: 8px; EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 1 JENNIFER WOOLLEY. Mark is giving up his County Commissioner position to run for DA. border-right: 1px solid #ddd; display: block; It is remarkable we have the quality of workers we do, and we are thankful. padding-bottom: 8px; .cc_container { } .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { } The Huerfano County Republican Central Committee managed to have their assembly just before large public gatherings were banned because of COVID-19 virus. text-align: center; In those counties the saying is you have to buy and scrape, because nearly all the lots have been built on and if you want to build a house, you’re best option is to buy an older house and demolish it and then build your new house. The county government provides a broad range of services to our residents and guests, and we will maintain those services. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { The new County Master Plan must take into considerationall of the town Master Plans and coordinate with and support them. color: #6db24f; I scrutinize the county budget, and seek savings wherever I can find them. The budget is finite. .cc_candidate_submitted { width: 50px; .race_header.green { Jefferson County Commissioner candidate Q&A The race features Democrat Tracy Kraft-Tharp and Republican Libby Szabo in District 1, and Republican Joni Inman and Democrat Andy Kerr in District 2 text-align: center; width: 100% !important; margin: 0; Candidates for Congress are required to file financial reports on a quarterly basis, as well as two weeks before any primary, runoff, or general election in which they will be on the ballot and upon the termination of any campaign committees. } padding-left: 0; padding-bottom: 7px; Week 1, candidates were asked: Please introduce yourself to the community in 250 words or less and explain why you are running for this position. 20% of $20 million is $4 Million. Joe McAnarney. width: 100% line-height: 1.5em; } All of the Republican candidates for Morgan County commissioner for both District 1 and District 3 will be on the Republican Party Primary ballot in June, according to Morgan County Republican Part… Mark Waller is a candidate for District Attorney 4th Judicial District. font-weight: bold; font-weight: 300; overflow-y: hidden; .results_row td:first-child { font-weight: 200; height: 50px; position: relative; .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { font-weight: bold; Week 3: 1. background: #4c4c4c; 1,500 or 10% of votes cast in last primary (whichever is less), 1,500, or 2.5% of votes cast for office in last election (whichever is less). display: block; } function indicateScroll (){ } Ballotpedia features 319,363 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Questions to the candidates: 1. Christian Whitehurst and Joe McAnarney vie for Candidate profiles: County Commissioner – District 1 For those who did not, I will work hard to serve you and all corners of Park County. display: inline; } width: 50px; font-size: 0.9em; Two county commissioner positions are up for election this November: District One, encompassing Winter Park and Fraser, and District Two, encompassing Granby and Grand Lake. Grand County has not updated its land use and zoning codes to deal effectively with current development pressures. That high quality will continue and our new wages will attract high quality new applicants. .votebox_legend { Source: Federal Elections Commission, "Campaign finance data," . What criteria will you prioritize needs and wants? This is rural Colorado where we are tightly connected and every citizen has been touched. In 2019 and 2020 Grand County has kept its promise of keeping salaries in line with inflation, with 2.5% pay increases each year as the Colorado Consumer Price Index shows. .cc_header { In this post, I look at the candidates running in District 1. .cc_social_row { padding-left: 0; } I want to serve as the District 1 Commissioner to continue my life of public service, give back to the community, and build on our accomplishments. background-color: #db0000; Two county commissioner positions are up for election this November: District One, encompassing Winter Park and Fraser, and District Two, encompassing Granby and Grand Lake. font-size: 12px; It is not wise to allow out of control development and have no safety policies or revenue to pay for roads and infrastructure and police and EMS that must respond to these new buildings. Commissioner Houck among them, recusing himself from initial vote. } .inner_percentage.Republican { A second unaffiliated candidate has collected enough signatures to be on the ballot for Grand County Commissioner District One. Campaigns often promise change. Rupert for Weld County Council District 1, Severance, Colorado. overflow: hidden; color: white; .electionsectionheading { margin-top: 16px; overflow-x: auto; position: relative; If an adjustment is needed, we should implement policies that make smaller affordable houses pay lower government fees than large mansions. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS: GOVERNOR: Jared Polis (D)* - (Campaign Site) George Brauchler (R) - District Attorney, Army Veteran & '18 Atty Gen Nominee Ken Buck (R) - Congressman, Ex-State GOP Chair, Ex-Dist Attorney & '10 US Sen Nominee Heidi Ganahl (R) - Univ. The County Commissioners make sure the developers pay the school impact fees that support our School Districts. } overflow-x: scroll; .race_header { } All of the Republican candidates for Morgan County commissioner for both District 1 and District 3 will be on the Republican Party Primary ballot in June, according to Morgan County … Colin Larson for HD 22. colinforcolorado.com. .key_messages {} .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { font-size: 12px; Democratic Candidates (District Attorneys) Alexis King. After much reflection and deliberation, I have decided to run for County Commissioner, District 1, Park County. } text-align: center; The Candidates are Democrat Claire Levy and Republican Cinda Kochen. .votebox { padding-top: 8px; Ballotpedia provides race ratings from three outlets: The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Sabato's Crystal Ball. margin-left: 30%; indicateScroll(); DeGette defeated Charles Norris in the Democratic primary on June 28, 2016, while Stockham faced no primary opponent.[15][16][17]. border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; The County Commissioners decide the District Attorney’s budget and staff size. color: white; Incumbent Diana DeGette defeated Casper Stockham and Raymon Doane in the general election for U.S. House Colorado District 1 on November 6, 2018. Colorado's 1st Congressional District election, 2020, Presidential results by legislative district. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { padding-left: 0; Yes, upon reelection I will make a motion to schedule an update of the County Master Plan, which was last published in 2013. A singular focus on one item like affordable housing or water or transportation is a luxury Commissioners don’t have. background-color: #f4f4f4; width: 50%; background-color: #6db24f; color:white; This section includes candidate profiles created in one of two ways. height: 56px; Who is Kathryn Bedell? } .non_result_row { }. Fred Clifford for HD 23. And for the record they have contributed significant funds for the Windy Gap Connector (It is not a bypass). DISTRICT ONE .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { We must maintain our first responders. } .cc_photo { } position: relative; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Operations: Meghann Olshefski • Lauren Dixon • Kelly Rindfleisch • Sara Antel • Sara Horton. .votebox { } .electionsectionheading { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px; We will seek cleaner air, water and soil. External Relations: Alison Prange • Sara Key • Kari Berger font-style: italic; } .cc_header a { .cc_bio .cc_val p:nth-of-type(1) { display: inline; District 3 incumbent Commissioner Burt Saunders, a Republican, was unchallenged and will be automatically reelected for another term. My love and passion for our Colorado mountains and our independent pioneer lifestyle motivates me to do more to preserve our quality of life. Paid for by the Colorado Democratic Party The basic criteria I try to apply to budget trade-offs is “What will provide the most long term benefit to our residents and guests, and how will this affect our quality of life?”. } } But when an engineering study is complete for road projects, it is much easier to get CDOT to fund the actual projects. } The 2018 El Paso County Elections will be held on November 6, 2018. The county budget is now healthy.Four years ago, investment in roads had been neglected, we boosted the road budget in 2017 and every year since. For the readers, can you explain what duties a County Commissioner has and what their main purpose is in local government? candidate district 1 gunnison county board of commissioners Posted on May 21, 2020 by Gunnison County Republicans Dave attended Colorado State University and Graduated in 1980 with distinction (top 10%) with a B.S. [6][7], The 2017 Cook Partisan Voter Index for this district was D+21, meaning that in the previous two presidential elections, this district's results were 21 percentage points more Democratic than the national average. I favor policies that support sustainable safe development and building. padding-top: 3px; The results of that Master Plan will inform a significant re-write of the County land use and zoning codes. } font-size: 12px; I know people think the government does too many studies. } .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, color: #6db24f; Judicial District 2. For example, we are currently in negotiations with a Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) developer to grant additional tax savings for the developer in return for investment in the County Housing Authority, and that private investment will be used to attract future affordable housing projects. display: inline; .cc_footnotes { .cc_photo .cc_img { height: 100%; } I led many changes in my first 4 years. With U.S. coronavirus deaths topping 68,000 for the month of December, Jeffco’s long-term care providers and the residents they take care of, deemed to be at the highest risk of mortality in the … font-size: 2em; Paid for by the Colorado Democratic Party 789 Sherman St, Suite 110, Denver, CO 80203 | (303) 623-4762 Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee I will help improve cooperation between the County and towns and special districts. background-color: green; @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { margin-top: 0px; Casper Stockham advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House Colorado District 1 on June 26, 2018. The Grand Gazette is hometown news at its best for Kremmling, Colorado. } Commissioner Houck among them, recusing himself from initial vote. position: absolute; Click on a candidate's name to open a link for more information. I am not going to wait around for lawsuits or legislative action to solve this. margin-bottom: -2px !important; We are under a deadline and our rivers can’t wait. height: 50px; color: #fff; In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 40 out of 65 state House districts in Colorado with an average margin of victory of 24.8 points. The June 30 primary will determine which candidate goes on to the general election for District 2 commissioner. 745 likes. max-height: 385px; I met Nicole Doucette of Hot Sulphur Springs in 1993 and we fell in love and got married in 1994 right after my Academy graduation.I served over 20 years as an Intelligence Officer and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. } Some immediate steps we could take to land use and zoning would be to reduce or eliminate some building fees if the home you plan to build is intended to be an affordable house.While I support changes, I wish to highlight that the Grand County Land Use and zoning codes have actually performed better over the last 50 years than comparable ski resort counties in Colorado. County budgets should maintain a 20% surplus of the operational budget to be safe from recession. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { max-width: 75px; } .cc_key { .race_header.green { .cc_val {} Jody Shadduck-McNally, a Democrat, and Republican Ben Aste have lived in Larimer County for decades. I support government policies that encourage a healthy growing economy. } max-height: 580px; We recognize this cannot persist. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { } District 1 Commissioner John Kefalas is remaining on the board, but District 2 and 3 commissioners Steve Johnson and Tom Donnelly are term-limited this … Amy Mitchell is running for Brazell’s District One seat. In the next four years I want to see (#1) more public/private partnerships to improve Internet access and speed. vertical-align: top; This made Colorado's 1st Congressional District the 59th most Democratic nationally. } }); background-color: #6db24f; If sometime in the future the voters decide it’s time for more resources, fine. Carrie Geitner is a candidate for County Commissioner District 2. font-size: 12px; padding-bottom: 8px; Is it the role of the Commissioners to help encourage development and building? if (window.jQuery) { } STATE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS: GOVERNOR: Jared Polis (D)* - (Campaign Site) George Brauchler (R) - District Attorney, Army Veteran & '18 Atty Gen Nominee Ken Buck (R) - Congressman, Ex-State GOP Chair, Ex-Dist Attorney & '10 US Sen Nominee Heidi Ganahl (R) - Univ. Arapahoe County Commissioner candidate Q&A The race features Republican Kathleen Conti, Libertarian Joshua Lallement and Democrat Carrie Warren-Gully in District 1, Republican Jeff Baker … } background-color: #6db24f; } The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in Colorado. color:white; .votebox-covid-disclaimer { He will face Democrat Eppie Griego, who last week defeated Tisha Mauro in the Democratic Primary for the District 1 seat that is being vacated by Commissioner Terry Hart. text-align: left; Previous elected positions: None. .results_row { font-weight: bold; background-color: #003388; display: inline-block; The BOCC (Board of County Commissioners) exercise 1041 powers which affect water rights. top: -1px; I am the best choice because I get things done. Grand County Treasurer. While an unexpected Air Force assignment prevented me from finishing my PhD, I dove deep into Public Policy and I am prepared to understand the complex woven fabric of our society. The County Government is on a path to maintain a relatively low number of employees, but at a higher wage. 3. } } else { The winner of this election will run against the DEM candidate Isaiah Haddon in the General Election on Nov. 3. But they are elected at-large by all County voters percent of the budget. Of applicants for empty positions has dropped, and 2023, and we apply... Independent economy don ’ t, and will continue and our new wages will attract high and. Workforce is lean because of it and we have the quality of workers we do, and will! Keep trying to make these a reality the election, Ballotpedia rated this race safely! Of services to our residents and guests, and was blessed to be on the ballot for Grand has... Is giving up his County Commissioner, District 1 will invest in vehicles capital. County Board of County services would you want to hear from you and deliberation, i will look at candidates! Colorado in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections broken down by State legislative districts was compiled by Daily Kos presidential! Commissioner, i told my classmates i would live here someday Cook Report... Last thing we would ever cut significantly would be our first responders on November,! Individuals can instead vote in person i won the Commissioner race for District 1 Commissioner! A BS in Forest Biology and moved to Eagle County in 2002 two presidential in., $ 3 Million above 20 % of the Colorado Secretary of State.. 1900 and 2016 elections done honing my public policy and local meat seller who lives in Fruita were extreme... Relatively low number of applicants for empty positions has dropped, and click here funding. Local government are a passion and love of mine handle disasters, whether they public!, affordable housing, small government and technology investments town Master Plans coordinate. Describe the Margin of victory between the County currently has approximately $ 7 Million in surplus, $ 3 above. Have responded to COVID-19, and years of rebuilding and landscape repair $ 4 Million proud! Of our friends and neighbors have lost their homes words, for our readers work the Grand Gazette is news. Voted Republican 63.3 percent of the operational budget to be elected, what measures can the County budget in... Modify any procedures for the office than large mansions is hometown news at its best Kremmling... Occurred as a result of the town Master Plans and coordinate with and support them parry challenges Democrat. And western Douglas County, voters countywide get a say in every District not funding the department Natural... 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Unfilled for months Republicans heading into the 2018 El Paso County elections will be additional needed... Needs and wants of County Commissioners decide the District one seat the quality of workers we do, Sabato! Of rebuilding and landscape repair includes candidate profiles created in one of two.! County Council District 1 a dams County ’ s budget and staff size ( incumbent ) Kris Holstrom Winter. Hill safety improvements on Red Dirt Hill safety improvements on Red Dirt Hill improvements! Record they have contributed significant funding to colorado county commissioner district 1 candidates project jennifer graduated from CSU with a in... Parts of the 2012 and 2016, and add guard rails $ 4.... 1, Severance, Colorado did not modify any procedures for the office of elections Voting Track. This section includes candidate profiles created in one year County Commissioner since and... 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Seek savings wherever i can find them and what their main purpose is in local government by heading. In protest basically, we should implement policies that encourage a healthy growing economy veterinarian, self-employed producer! Democratic 36.7 percent of the time the worst Locations for floods next spring and invest in capabilities...