These provided safe shelter for evacuees throughout the duration of the storm. Tropical Cyclone Fani is forecast to become a formidable cyclone in the Bay of Bengal and is likely to pose a danger to parts of eastern India and Bangladesh late this week. Cyclone “Fani” Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) Report 2019 In the aftermath of the Cyclone in Odisha in May 2019 Format Assessment Source. Sign up here for occasional updates to keep you in the know. Cyclone Fani will be the second storm to form in April and cross the mainland. Reader in Operations & Supply Chain Management, Brunel University London, Director, Country Relations and Business Affairs - New Delhi, ICRISAT, CGIAR System Organization. This mammoth exercise involved more than 45,000 volunteers. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Fani was the strongest cyclone to hit the area in 20 years and brought with her 125 mph winds, driving rain, and storm surge of up to 13 feet. Though Cyclone Fani was a success in terms of early warning, it was nonetheless a humanitarian disaster. Brunel University London provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK. In particular, a greater focus on protecting livelihoods at the community level, where the impacts of natural hazards are felt most immediately, is clearly needed. On May 3 2019, Cyclone Fani made landfall near the city of Puri, on the east coast of India. As a result, though 64 people lost their lives, loss of life was dramatically minimized in comparison to the 1999 event. As they look towards the future, the next step is saving livelihoods. The road of recovery will be a challenging one. The last severe cyclone 'Nargis' in 2008 devastated Myanmar. The government’s “zero casualty” policy for natural disasters and the near accuracy of the India meteorological department’s early warning system have helped reduce the possibility of deaths from cyclone Fani. Above: Government initiated evacuation process in Puri, Odisha. Above: Water, shelter and sanitation conditions in Baliapanda in Puri, immediately after Cyclone Fani. This was equivalent to a Category Four hurricane. Cyclone Fani is the first cyclone to be categorised “severe” by the Indian meteorological department since Cyclone Mala made landfall in Myanmar in 2006. The weather forecast on 29th April, 2019 morning was that over the next 24 hours, it could even turn into a “very severe” cyclonic storm. However, thanks to effective early warning systems and evacuation protocols established following Cyclone Odisha in 1999, loss of life was minimal. Cyclone Fani is a rare phenomenon for a tropical cyclone, even for Odisha, a favourite playground for these storm systems that leave behind such destruction on a regular basis. Success here would serve as an example for the entire world. It was this super cyclone in 1999 that led the state to become better prepared for future cyclones. Cyclone Fani, which has been classified as an extremely severe cyclone (ESC), is the 10th such cyclone to hit India in May in past 52 years. There was also sig… Cyclone Fani made landfall near Puri, India, Friday, May 3, sparking an evacuation of nearly a million people from coastal regions. 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The results of these efforts in terms of loss of life averted speak for themselves and highlight the opportunity disasters present to learn and improve upon current practices. In the aftermath of the 1999 super cyclone, the state relied on a number of community-based groups and volunteers to help rebuild communities. It is one of the strongest cyclones to have hit India in the last 20 years, according to the Indian government’s meteorological department. Two months after the cyclone hit, the Odisha State Disaster Management Authority was set up and plans put in place. Around 900 cyclone shelters have been built in vulnerable pockets of the state, with systems in place for the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. The post-cyclone recovery will be a daunting challenge to the administration in Odisha, demanding a lot of resources. Cyclone Fani, a severe cyclonic storm, made landfall impact on Friday, May 3, 2019 around 8.00 a.m. south of Puri on the Odisha coast. In the longer-term, impacts to crops and infrastructure have contributed to the devastation of millions of livelihoods and homes. AAB has supported some of the most vulnerable sponsored families in wholly or partially rebuilding their homes. Cyclones are given many names in different regions of the world. Its timing is unusual, according to data from the Meteorological Department. The post-cyclone recovery will be a daunting challenge to the administration in Odisha, demanding a lot of resources. Cyclone Fani formed as a tropical depression in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra. The damages Cyclone Fani caused seen in the infobox needs to be raised 4 million dollars more. Senior state officials and police officers were sent to the affected districts to co-ordinate efforts of various agencies. Data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) show that the last time an extremely severe cyclone hit India in May was in 2004. To assure future such events were “zero-casualty”, the state actively learned from Cyclone Odisha and made improvements in coordination and communication, evacuation plans, and early warning systems. Communicated clear, accurate, actionable messages around evacuation and shelter which provided time for citizens to evacuate and instructions about how and where to evacuate to. Summary: On May 3, 2019 Cyclone Fani made landfall on the east coast of India, devastating homes and livelihoods. Cyclone Fani made landfall in India on May 3, 2019. Cyclone Fani, the worst cyclone to hit India in decades, made landfall in the morning on Friday, May 3, near the city of Puri in Odisha state, India. Above: Destruction caused by Cyclone Fani. There is a clear command and control structure for disaster relief and there are clear protocols in place for carrying out relief operations. As Fani was classified as an "extremely severe cyclonic storm" in India, the country's coast guard and … According to official estimates, 64 people lost their lives due to the devastating cyclone Fani. More than 10 million trees were uprooted with an equal number of trees damaged in the extremely severe cyclone. This, after all, is a state where the average income is less than US$5 a day. The infobox says 2.36 billion USD. This is the result of a very effective strategy of disaster preparation and quick responding. There were 77 deaths reported; 13 in Bangladesh and 64 in India, the majority of which (39) were in Puri. Copyright © 2010–2020, The Conversation US, Inc. Indian government’s meteorological department, at least 68 direct storm-related deaths reported in Texas. Cyclone Fani tears through India's eastern coast on Friday as a Grade 5 storm, lashing beaches with rain and wind gusting up to 205 km/h, and affecting weather as far away as Mount Everest. On India’s cyclone scale, Fani is the second-most severe, equivalent to a Category 3 hurricane. An early warning and evacuation success story. Photos courtesy of SEEDS. In 1999, Cyclone Odisha devastated communities along the coast of the State of Odisha and killed over 10,000 people. Cyclone Fani has left destruction in its wake, not even sparing the trees of the coastal districts in Odisha. A high alert has been declared…Continue Reading→ Photos courtesy of SEEDS. This was equivalent to a Category Four hurricane. Cyclones are not new to Odisha. Cyclone Fani has, however, left a fury of damage to properties and public infrastructure. – … Most recently, cyclone Idai hit Mozambique on March 14 and ripped through Madagascar, Malawi and Zimbabwe, with more than 1,000 people feared dead. We identify four key takeaways from Odisha. Fani was the strongest cyclone to hit the area in 20 years and brought with her 125 mph winds, driving rain, and storm surge of up to 13 feet. In the aftermath of the 1999 super cyclone, the state relied on a number of community-based groups and volunteers to help rebuild communities. Roughly 2.6m text messages were sent to locals in clear language before cyclone Fani hit, keeping those potentially affected alert. But considering the power of the cyclone, it is remarkable that more lives have not been lost. They are known as typhoons in the China Sea and Pacific Ocean; hurricanes in the West Indian … Continue reading "RSTV: IN DEPTH- CYCLONE FANI" Working together with local stakeholders, NGOs, the Indian Red Cross Society, the India Meteorological Department and others, the state of Odisha : Built hundreds of cyclone shelters along the coast. Early recovery efforts were successful in restoring water systems and avoiding major disease outbreaks. Cyclone Fani is due to make landfall Friday in India's Odisha state. Regular press briefings were made by officials to update people of the approaching cyclone. Photos courtesy of, Government initiated evacuation process in Puri, Odisha, Water, shelter and sanitation conditions in Baliapanda in Puri. Winds were as high as 120-130 mph and the storm was the equivalent of a Category 4 hurricane. Activated tried and tested channels of disaster communication and response, building upon learning from Cyclone Odisha and other natural hazard events. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. At the same time, Fani’s impact on livelihoods clearly identifies the next priority for adaptive learning. 2001, Odisha, has been an extremely severe cyclone 'Nargis ' 2008. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 118,600 academics and researchers 3,811... A Category 3 hurricane to form in April and cross the mainland and to basic... 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