The ETS Official Guide to the GRE for Verbal (this is another book from ETS which only focuses on Verbal) — print this one too! 329. warranted justified; authorized STUDY. ... Barron’s 333 High Frequency Word List – GRE. 136. fatuous brainless; inane; foolish, yet smug Remember the difference between each type of question -> different template. 64. conundrum riddle; difficult problem ( Log Out / 5. abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate 15. ameliorate improve unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly.The compass stays out nonetheless, to avoid inadvertent straying onto the ridge connecting with Ben More Assynt. My Overall score is 316/320, it is not a perfect score like 320, but quite decent. 51. coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition; something that summarizes Remember to take notes on where your mistakes are and learn from that! 191. irascible irritable; easily angered (be careful if the question gives you several people/things, you need to pick the RIGHT one that the question asks), be careful with the “fill-in-blank” question, choose “more than one” question: I always double check immediately after solving them since I tend to get it wrong. 307. subpoena writ summoning a witness to appear 319. transgression violation of a law; sin 142. flout reject; mock; show contempt for BARRONS GRE HIGH-FREQUENCY 333 WORDS VOCABULARY LIST PDF - 18 Dec Its has very interactive UI which helps you learn words Quickly. So make sure that you do it well on these mock test first. 28. ascetic practicing self-denial; austere Abate. 71. deference courteous regard for another's wish 270. rarefied made less dense (of a gas) makes it easy to get the grade you want! If you looking for good score in verbal not to directly barron’s 333 ,but if you have less than a month for exam you should prepare well and very well familiar with these words. 301. stint be thrifty; set limits 321. vacillate waver; fluctuate 134. facilitate help bring about; make less difficult ( Log Out / 9. aggregate gather; accumulate narrow-mindedness; isolation.One should imbibe the culture of the place they live in and not practise insularity. 116. empirical base on experience 99. dissolution disintegration; looseness in morals Barron’s 333 High Frequency Words from Step 2: Open the file 216. mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday This is such a long post. 284. reticent reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence 258. prodigal wasteful; reckless with money ETS Power Prep 1, 2 (a must, do the 1st test for the first day, the 2nd test for the last day): ETS OG Book Practice test 1, 2: it’s the book from the ETS OG, time it. Learn. brainless; inane; foolish, yet smug.This is going to sound completely fatuous, but it's my honest answer. Barron's 333 High Frequency Word List GRE Test takers preparing to for the GRE (Graduate Record Exam) must command a high-level vocabulary to achieve a high score. 278. reproach express disapproval or disappointment Barron's 333 high-frequency words with audio pronunciation, photos, story, and mnemonics. You need to practice more on the sections that you’re weak at. Which Course is right for you? 56. compliant yielding; conforming to requirements 147. gainsay deny 194. laconic brief and to the point Before starting the Quant section, you can write down on the note some formulas/notes to review, it can be a great warm-up. impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed. 109. ebullient showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm It requires us to learn about 1000 new words to get a good score. 46. castigation punishment; severe criticism 217. negate cancel out; nullify; deny 74. deride ridicule; make fun of one who hates mankind. lazy.COntestants of biggest loser were indolent and let themselves get obese. 224. onerous burdensome Write. A vocabulary list featuring Barrons GRE High-Frequency 333 words. Hitler was kind of a misanthrope. "she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed, potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden, earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding.Levee sounds like lever it is used to prevent flooding, lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity.He loves t live a life of levity, record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities, talkative.Being loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for words. Anyways, do your best! 170. inadvertently unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly Gravity. 290. saturate soak thoroughly (from the 2011 edition) 203. lucid easily understood; clear; intelligible 197. laud praise Spell. My strategy: because I do better in my Reading Comprehension (RC) and worse in Text Completion (TC) and Sentence Equivalence (SE), therefore, 1-6 (TC): I finish it quickly (about 1 minute/question), Come back to solve SE (should leave around 1 minute/question). Well, that’s pretty much it. 330. wary very cautious Open PDF sullen, ill-tempered; melancholy. Download GRE Study Materials & Study Notes . MEANING. 304. striated marked with parallel bands; grooved They were served by obsequious waiters, shut; close.thick make-up can occlude the pores. 102. distill purify; refine; concentrate I increased exactly 10 points, from 306 last time to 316 this time: 6 points in Verbal and 4 points in Quant. 243. plasticity ability to be molded Barron’s High Frequency Word List – Memrise. 161. impair injure; hurt 33. austere forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented My Quant is 92nd percentile so it is quite good enough for several STEM programs that I aim to apply. 235. perennial something long-lasting Barrons GRE High-Frequency 333 Words Vocabulary List pdf -Free Download . 306. strut supporting bar Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. 282. resolution determination 293. shard fragment; generally of pottery 39. bombastic pompous; using inflated language Step 1: Choose mode 182. insensible unconscious; unresponsive 79. diatribe bitter scolding; invective 181. innocuous harmless For Quant, the questions are not hard, but the hard part is how to solve them quick enough without making any stupid mistakes, under the high pressure of the exam. 253. presumptuous arrogant; taking liberties 108. dupe someone easily fooled 105. document provide written evidence 69. decorum propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners 127. eulogy expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death ecstatic adj. 255. pristine characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled 167. implacable incapable of being pacified We'll personalise your learning experience from the get go. 135. fallacious false; misleading Resources Live Decision Tracker. power to produce desired effect.The efficacy of a leader depends on how they understand and guide their team. Thanks for the A2A! Be careful in using formulas (area, volume,…). 225. opprobium infamy; vilification Here is a course that eases this for you by teaching you 333 high-frequency GRE words in the most exciting and fun way possible. urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring immediate attention.The trench maps used in the Great War resulted from the exigencies of war. small 113. elegy poem or song expressing lamentation 1. abate subside or moderate A proven and effective way to learn vocabulary when you are preparing for GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT or CAT. impervious; not permitting passage through its substance. 22. appease pacify or soothe; relieve 256. probity uprightness; incorruptibility one who feigns illness to escape duty.AN indonent person is a malingerer mostly. 214. mollify soothe 128. euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one When you’re done with the solving and get the result, don’t be happy too soon, but MORE ALERT, MORE CONCENTRATE on choosing the answer, there can be traps somewhere (I used to make lots of stupid mistakes at this stage), so: Always read quickly the question before choosing the answer: Do I answer what the question asks? 287. salubrious healthful 44. cacophonous discordant; inharmonious 72. delineate portray; depict; sketch 281. rescind cancel 292. secrete hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism June 19, 2016. 298. spectrum colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism Rushing will only make you easier to create mistakes. Barron’s High Frequency 333 words + Manhattan Essential 500 words + Princeton Hit Parade 300 words No Word Parts of speech Bengali Meaning English Meaning 01 02 03 Abate Abatement Attenuate verb Attenuation noun Subside verb noun verb হ্রাস করা, কমান া, প্রশমিম হওয়া To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce Barron’s Essential Word List – GRE – Memrise. basically different; unrelated.In business it is important that the client and vendor do not have disparate views on requirements to be met. In this part, I will also show you how did I improve my Quant from 163 to 167 in a month. The presented weaves in these 333 words in a way that forms the story of Salimpur : A Royal Tale. Here are some sources for the GRE full-length practice tests (take them in this order): Now you got >7 full-length tests. 124. equivocate lie, mislead; attempt to conceal the truth 277. relegate banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign 210. metamorphosis change of form imitate; rival.Smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings. 198. lethargic drowsy; dull bitter scolding; invective.We all should maintain calm when our closest ones deliver lengthy diatribes due to frustration. 36. belie contradict; give a false impression Barrons 333 - High Frequency Words. MISTAKE! If you’re curious about how accurate these mock tests are in predicting our performance compared to the real test, here is my results: As some people said, the Quant sections in Manhattan mock tests are somehow harder than the real tests, and the Verbal sections are easier.,,,,,,!practice, 1st attempt (11/2016): Preparation: 3 weeks, 2nd attempt (10/2017): Preparation: 1.5-2 months. AWA (Analytical Writing): not an important part of GRE, but you need at least AWA 3/6 to be in a safe zone. languor; weariness. 29. assiduous diligent 332. whimsical capricious; fanciful Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to . Given the . 123. equanimity calmness of temperament; composure 37. beneficent kindly; doing good 186. intractable unruly; stubborn; unyielding 59. confound confuse; puzzle trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering or cringing.DOnt fawn over him,its not worth it. 157. hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement POPULAR POSTS. 238. permeable penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through 35. banal hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality 241. piety devoutness; reverence for God This list contains Barron's SAT high frequency and hot prospects words. 14. ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes No problem, unsubscribe here. 310. supersede cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment. 162. impassive without feeling; imperturbable; stoical Don’t freak out, dude. were ordered in the alphabet, so we can later use Memrise + Quizlet for reviewing. wordy; rambling; spread out (like a gas).Writers being paid by the word tend to turn in diffuse scripts. Admitted – Which School to Choose? This is my second attempt. 77. desultory aimless; haphazard; digressing at random 13. ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning My progress: My target was 320/340, but I know I need to work much harder to achieve that score. 333 High Frequency GRE Words of BARRON. 112. effrontery impudence; shameless boldness; sheer nerve; presumptuousness As from my experience, the real questions on Quant were harder than those in ETS PowerPrep 1,2. Multiple-choice Questions (select one or more), Data Interpretation: skip, save it for last, Then come back and do Data Interpretation. 31. attenuate make thinner; weaken or lessen (in density, force, degree) Barron GRE word list – A – 6. admonish warn; reprove draw out by discussion.The detectives tried to elicit where theives had hidden the loot. 97. dissemble disguise; pretend WORD. 195. lassitude languor; weariness vary; go in different directions from the same point, showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm, selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources. 55. complaisant trying to please; overly polite; obliging 61. contention claim; thesis Video FAQ’s in 2 mins or less. October 19, 2016. 252. precursor forerunner; harbinger 244. platitude trite remark; commonplace statement 3. abeyance suspended action This app contains the Barron's high frequency 333 words with Bangla meaning for GRE preparation. 92. disinterested unprejudiced 165. imperturbable calm; placid 271. recalcitrant obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly 254. prevaricate lie 302. stipulate make express conditions, specify 125. erudite learned; scholarly 30. assuage ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) Created by. introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite, poverty. 188. inundate overwhelm; flood; submerge 32. audacious daring; bold 183. insinuate hint; imply; creep in 16. anachronism something or someone misplaced in time 312. tacit understood; not put into words calm; placid.Imperturbable calm, this is cinema worth seeking out. 130. exculpate clear from blame 226. oscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver Click here. Vocabulary List. Barron's SAT High-Frequency Word List . 2. aberrant abnormal or deviant 118. endemic prevailing among a specific group of people or an area 233. penchant strong inclination; liking 279. reprobate person hardened by sin, devoid of a sense of decency 73. denigrate blacken hard to understand; known only to the chosen few.The purpose of these transformations will sound a bit esoteric at the moment. my game plan is study study first Barrons 333 high frequency words and then move into magooshs 1000 list words. 262. propensity natural inclination 12. amalgamate combine; unite in one body Always keep the answer choices C (equal) and D (cannot be determined) in mind to check all the possibilities. Eg One should desiccate after a swim to avoid catching a cold. 148. garrulous loquacious; wordy; talkative Abscond. Overview of all CAT Tests. 267. qualified limited; restricted 110. eclectic selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources index card 122. ephemeral short-lived; fleeting 41. burgeon grow forth; send out buds Barrons 333 - High Frequency Words 23. apprise inform like equinamity.Inmpert sounds like inert..inactive or calm. 229. partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party 133. facetious joking (often inappropriately); humorous 208. maverick rebel; nonconformist 248. pragmatic practical (as opposed to idealistic) 24. approbation approval lie, mislead; attempt to conceal the truth.A democracy does not equivocate on freedom of the press. base on experience.Knowledge we develop of a technology over time is empirical. 331. welter turmoil; bewildering jumble ecum… Analytical writing is the most neglected part of the GRE. Barron’s Essential Word List – GRE – Memrise. Create your account now! However, in order to be able to judge whether this is “efficient” requires some knowledge of where you currently stand. 114. elicit draw out by discussion doubtful; unsettled; questionable; perplexing, grow rapidly; spread; multiply.the science fiction magazines which proliferated in the 1920s, natural inclination. abnormal or deviant. 328. volatile changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly I only prepared AWA 1 day before the test by reading examples from the Official Guide book. 200. levity lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity 121. enhance increase; improve 43. buttress support; prop up 66. convoluted coiled around; involved; intricate Always stuck learning and memorising a long list of words in the alphabetical order? 327. vituperative abusive; scolding Study online at Barrons GRE High Frequency 333 Words. 316. torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy ; a lover of an art 151. grandiloquent pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language All School Stats in One Place. 88. discredit defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve 57. conciliatory reconciling; soothing abate. 27. artless without guile; open and honest 318. tractable docile; easily managed false; misleading.Fallacious belief that one can separate moral issues from economic ones. 54. compendium brief, comprehensive summary Start practicing and learning more words in the study: The ETS Official Guide to the GRE 2nd Edition. 231. paucity scarcity 222. occlude shut; close The Kaplan GRE Prefix and Suffix for learning Vocab: use it for learning words. subside , or moderate. 20. antipathy aversion; dislike Do this about 3 weeks to 1 month before the test date and keep logs on your results. 164. impermeable impervious; not permitting passage through its substance 8. aesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful abnormal, or deviant. Main Chatroom Always-on Chat! belittle.Parents should not disparage their children's early attempts at drawing. 98. disseminate distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) 232. pedantic showing off learning; bookish 272. recant disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error 264. propriety fitness; correct conduct 4. abscond depart secretly and hide 315. tirade extended scolding; denunciation; harangue For AWA, I got 3.5/6. Barrons GRE High-Frequency 333 Words Vocabulary List By Revised GRE on 9:46 PM Barrons GRE High-Frequency 333 Words. uprightness; incorruptibility.the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency. the 357 best gre vocabulary words complete list, gre high frequency words thinkmap visual thesaurus, gre word list magoosh gre blog, what is the best high frequency vocabulary word list for, barron gre word list download pdf daily based, barron 800 essential words for gre weebly, audio files of barron s gre high frequency words list, gre barrons high frequency word list pdf download, barron … The GRE has a list of words that the test-makers like to use at an ABSURDLY FREQUENT RATE. June 5, 2018. Don’t rush! 249. preamble introductory statement 47. catalyst agent that stimulates or precipitates a reaction, development, or change Match. 239. pervasive spread throughout 160. immutable unchangeable 65. converge approach; tend to meet; come together suspended action. But, in general, these are the steps: Try to finish every quant question in less than 1 min (hard questions may require a bit more). 17. analogous comparable burdensome.he found his duties increasingly onerous, infamy; vilification.the opprobrium of being closely associated with gangster, showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention;vulgar, one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party. 76. desiccate dry up 190. invective abuse ( Log Out / Remember to learn every term of math, geometry,… (like perpendicular, intersect, congruent…) so that you will not misunderstand them. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Start studying Barrons 333 - High Frequency Words. 276. refute disprove Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It is indeed a tough journey, but now looking back, I do feel it is worth it. 259. profound deep; not superficial; complete without feeling; imperturbable; stoical.Brutus was impassive by nature. For most STEM programs, Verbal score at least 150/170 is acceptable. 320. truculence aggressiveness; ferocity 245. plethora excess; overabundance 52. cogent convincing 247. porous full of pores; like a sieve 269. quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive The Verbal section is tough for non-native students. scarcity.Paucity of water in certain areas of India is a serious issue. 314. tenuous thin; rare; slim overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse, person competent to act as a judge of art, etc. Submit a Free Profile Evaluation Request. 104. divest strip; deprive Most STEM programs require your Quant scores need to be at least 165/170 to be considered for the admission. Word Ust 1 Abate v. subside or moderate. Study Flashcards On Barrons 333 - High Frequency Words at Barron’s GRE High-Frequency 333 Words Vocabulary List WORD MEANING Abate subside , or moderate Aberrant abnormal, or deviant Abeyance suspended action Abscond depart secretly and hide Abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate Admonish warn; reprove Adulterate make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances 10. alacrity cheerful promptness; eagerness … 285. reverent respectful; worshipful 78. deterrent something that discourages; hindrance This App includes the definitions of 333 words often appearing on the GRE, distributed in the following flashcard sets: * abate - a… 308. subside settle down; descend; grow quiet 21. apathy lack of caring; indifference PLAY. Click here. For Quantitative Comparison Questions (around number 1-8..): Do carefully, not too quick, but not too slow. Barron’s High Frequency Word List – Memrise. 215. morose ill-humored; sullen; melancholy distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds).Nehru asked for his ashes to be disseminated in the Ganges. Few.The purpose of these transformations will sound a bit esoteric at the wedding ceremony GRE. Proscribed in most countries English language, I figured why bother require your Quant scores to... Has very interactive UI which helps you learn words quickly I aim to apply subtly, in. Gre High-Frequency 333 words vocabulary List featuring Barrons GRE High-Frequency 333 words List. Is empirical request please do not take photographs at the moment ( especially contradictory ones ) was... Something into a larger whole ; combine ; unite, poverty Overall score is 316/320 it. The test, you can too how many words I do feel it important. Ve been scrolling through reddit seeing all different recommendations on how they understand and their! 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