And the research conducted in 2008 gave the real answer. Although nowadays you see chickens are only eating seeds, their ancestor is one of the most feared predator at its time. The machines are improving, the software is improving and there will be a lot of excitement in the palaeontology community of applying this technology to other bones that are preserved. Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, on what was then an island continent known as Laramidia. Bhullar took sample from embryonic chickens and altered some of their genes. "To get specimens like that requires enormous amounts of material, getting specimens that are covered in tens of feet of rock. However, Bhullar didn’t intend to reverse engineer the evolution and create a dinosaur like in the movie Jurassic Park. #FunFridayFacts: Question | What are the closest living relatives to the T-Rex? Archaeopteryx is a close relative to T-Rex and velociraptors. How Did The Ancestor Of Birds Survive The Meteor Impact? Cynthia Baker. The important thing was to find well-preserved material that had been protected from water and air. A capuchin monkey however is not the closest living relative of humans because there are still chimpanzees etc. Take a moment or two to think about it. T. Rex Linked to Chickens, Ostriches. The result was amazing that by changing a few genes from the embryo, the test objects developed unusual similarities to dinosaurs. Thus, in a vertebrate’s DNA, it is most likely to still contain genetic information of its ancestors. It’s going to happen.”. › science › 2007 › apr › 13 › uknews.taxonomy Surprisingly, the closest living relative to T. rex are birds, which are also a kind of theropod dinosaur. Watch this space for the answer later in the day. Are Chickens Really The Closest Descendants Of T-Rex? Even the breeding itself has been done since millions of years ago. The fossil itself was unique, because it contained a little bit of soft tissues like blood vessel, which allow the researchers to extract sufficient amount of DNA for the research. Based on this study, it looks like chickens might be the closest amongst all species that are present in today's genome databases.". And we can now do it from molecules as well as bones," said Dr Milner. For the curious: the best guess is that a real-life T. rex probably sounded like their closest living relatives: Crocodilia and birds. “We also show that it groups better with birds than modern reptiles, such as alligators and green anole lizards,” he continued. Molecular information like this can help to build better evolutionary family trees between extinct and living organisms. But he predicted that such thing may happen in the future. But Jack Horner of Montana State University said that sequencing the T-rex protein would also lead to a new era in palaeontology, which has so far relied on looking at the shapes and sizes of fossil bones to infer the relationships between extinct animals. Bhullar, which is now a professor in Yale, still do some research about the relationship about avian animals and dinosaurs. Fri 13 Apr 2007 02.19 BST It means that although dinosaurs were reptiles, modern days reptiles are their more distant cousins rather than birds. Those dinosaurs are the ones who evolved to nowadays birds. But for all these ferocious credentials, T. rex’s closest living relative may surprise you. The DNA sequence of the West Indian Ocean coelacanth is closest related to... Western clawed frog. 3 the last common ancestor of all living birds (first bird from Neornithes) lived waaay before the K/T event (+120 ma) The closest living things to dinosaurs need to be taken a look at in terms of classification of species. 9 Amazing Eternal Flames From All Around The World, Bless In Disguise: How People Are Living In The Ring Of Fire, Psychologists Say that Slow Blink Can Make Cats Like You More, 5 Incredible Helps Animals Give To The Nature Recently Proven, Indo-Pacific Ocean Still Targets Silky Sharks, Future Remains Unknown, The Building That Steals Your Body Heat For Better Purpose, Salt-tolerant Bacteria can Turn Waste Sludge into Bioplastics, Come Visit the Dinosaurs at Briden Farm – Briden Farm, Chickens Are The Best Pets. And it was also easier for them to find shelter from following disasters after the asteroid hit the earth. About 85 million years ago, a dinosaur named Archaeopteryx roamed the earth. Firstly, chickens (junglefowl) and ostriches aren’t particularly closely related to eachother. When the 68m-year-old T-rex's proteins had been isolated from the surrounding dust and rock, Prof Schweitzer's team compared them with the known proteins in living animals. 4 T. rex was not an ancestor, just a relative of birds Dr Asara said the results supported the view that birds evolved from dinosaurs, but added: "If we had more species in the database to compare it to, such as alligator or crocodile, which have not been sequenced yet, we may also find matches to those species.